facultati organizatoare

Our Speakers

Prof.Ph.D. Conţiu Tiberiu Şoitu

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi

Prof.Ph.D. Daniela Şoitu

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi

Prof.Ph.D. Cătălina Tudose

Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy 'Carol Davila', Bucharest,

Ms Geraldine Nosowska

Director, Effective Practice

Priest dr. Ilarion Mâță

President of the Association "St. Voievod Stefan cel Mare" Hârja

Radu Crisan Dabija

Associate Professor, PhD
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi

Mr. Adrian Solomon

Chairman of the Committee on Labour and Social Protection, Chamber of Deputies

Dr. Sylwia Sobczak

Director of Torun Regional Hospital Poland

Dr Aurelia Curaj

Lecturer at the University of Bucharest

Dr. Rafał Iwański

PhD in economics, sociologist – social worker
Associate Professor Pedagogical Institute, University of Szczecin Poland

Mrs. Elena Dobre

Director - Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, Social Services Policy Directorate

Alexandra Dobre

National Institute for Active Aging

Mrs. Nereta Stanisloviene

Coordonator of Education TZMO Lituania